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Brainwave optimization Programs

BrainWave Optimization Programs - Overview!

  • Athletic Performance Enhancement - can help improve focus, anticipatory worry and reactions. 

  • Academic Performance Enhancement - can help improve focus, concentration, executive function, and reading. 

  • Stress Reduction Program - designed to help decrease stress and improve sleep quality

  • "Maturation" Enhancement - designed to help improve emotional regulation and "transitioning" 

  • The Comprehensive Sport Enhancement Program For Elite Athletes - for Collegiate, Olympic and Professional dreams. 

  • qEEG-Based Neurofeedback Therapy - Customized neurofeedback program for clinical conditions

BrainWave Enhancement Programs - Realize Your Highest Potential!

We are excited to offer enhancement programs designed to specifically help individuals experience the benefits of EEG-Biofeedback (neurofeedback therapy or brainwave training) for the purpose of Peak Performance Training in athletics, academics or other aspects of life.  The ability to offer these programs has taken years to develop, and they are explained in the section below.  If you are interested in learning more, please call our office at (203)316-8212!  

  • Athletic Performance Enhancement - high level sport performance is much more of a mental challenge than a physical one.  The ability to remain laser-focused, to shut off anxieties, and to control emotional reactions becomes harder as competitions get higher.  Those that accomplish this state understand what "being in the Zone" means, and to be able to perform at your highest potential, you need to get into this Zone.  It is now possible to use EEG-biofeedback to help strengthen the different regions of the brain that are activated when someone is the Zone, and this program is designed to help improve focus, decrease anticipatory worry and help better control reactions.  Are you an Elite Athlete?  Read the section below specifically about our Comprehensive Sport Performance Program for Elite Athletes.

  • Academic Performance Enhancement - The ability to maintain focus and concentration is critical to doing well in school.  But that is only part of the equation, with the ability to remain calm and collected while test taking is equally important.  Different parts of the brain need to be developed for this all this to come together, and our summer program is designed to help improve focus and concentration, executive function, reading comprehension. 

  • Executive Function Enhancement Program - Executive functioning is essential in all phases of life.  When you are going through primary schooling, you need it to keep up with what is being taught, and after schooling, it is critical for job performance and can help you be more efficient with your time.  This program helps with focus, concentration and decrease anticipation so you can stay on task longer.

  • Stress Reduction Program - When you are calm and relaxed, certain regions of the brain are activated; when you are stressed and worried, other regions are activated.  EEG-Biofeedback can help strengthen the calming regions of the brain and allow for greater control of one's anxieties, worries or concerns.  [This program is often coupled with a formal qEEG Analysis to determine which networks are more compromised, and to help determine where brainwave training would be most beneficial.] 

  • "Maturation" Enhancement - The temporal region of the brain is an important center that has control over auditory processing, reading comprehension, emotional regulation, social comfort (opposite of social anxiety) and the ability to "categorize and compartmentalize" (to be able to let go of negative or disappointing outcomes and more on from them).  If your child struggles with listening to basic instruction, has difficultly with reading comprehension, is socially awkward, and/or over-reacts to situations, they most likely would benefit from brainwave training in this region.  The most common summation from parents who's kids have done this program is that it seems that their child "simply matured in a very short period of time."

  • The Comprehensive Sport Enhancement Program For Elite Athletes - For those athletes that have the athletic potential that might provide them with the opportunity of taking their game to higher and higher levels, we offer comprehensive programs that are more involved that are 100% customized to their individual situations.  The primary difference between the comprehensive program and the summer program is honestly the amount of training that the elite athlete would benefit from.  When you consider that only 2% of high school athletes play at a D-I level, and that only 2% of D-I athletes turn pro, it is important to understand that a good number of those athletes you would be potentially competing against are doing some sort of therapy/training to help improve the mental aspect of performance.  This might include meditation, talking to a sport psychologist or doing neurofeedback.  Of these, neurofeedback is the easiest to do, and the targeting specific networks can accentuate different outcomes. We have helped several athletes reach the collegiate, Olympic and professional levels in a number of different sports. ​ The comprehensive program involves training the same brain networks as we do in our summer program, but much more training is done at these locations.  The summer program is a good place to start, but our at-home training systems are ideal for this and many of the elite athletes that we work with either start with the home unit or transition to one.  Generally speaking, there are 3 primary networks that ideally would receive 20-30 session each, as well as more advanced training that is often recommended.  It is better to call to discuss this directly with Dr. Woodman as there are many variations and considerations to this.  

  • qEEG-Based Neurofeedback Therapy - We have been offering qEEG-Based Neurofeedback services since 2010, and Dr. Woodman has spent thousands of hours researching neurofeedback and teaches 12-18 hour seminars on the topic of functional brain development, neuroplasticity and neurofeedback.  This provides a clear picture of what someone's dominant brainwave activity is, as well as assesses how efficiently a person's brain transitions from a resting state to an alert state.  Many clinical conditions (anxieties, ADHD, Depression, Autism, Migraines, Insomnia) have correlating abnormal brainwave patterns associated with them, and neurofeedback can be critical in helping that individual over the symptoms of these conditions in a natural, drug-free manner.  Read the section below on Brainwave Dysregulation. 




Stress Reduction
Elite Athletes
Executive Fx
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